"Oh love, what did you ever do to deserve a wife like me?" Jeeto said looking lovingly into her husband's eyes. Santa: I don't know, but I promise I'll never do it again!
Jeeto (angrily): I can't believe it, you forgot my birthday again. How can you do this? Santa: How can you expect me to remember your birthday when you never look older. Jeeto cleared her throat, smiled and asked surprisingly, "Jaanu Sachi"!
Banta: Someone told me that Cable TV is not good for kids. They don't study at all. So I got it uninstalled. Santa: That's a smart thing to do. Banta: Thanks. Now I have got a Dish installed instead!
Banta to Santa: What's an adult joke? Santa: No idea... but it must be the one that's eighteen years old!
Banta: A man's speech has been restored by the kick of a mule. Santa: A divorce is less painful and one gets the same results!
Santa went to a restaurant in China. Waiter: Sir, I have Stewed Liver, Boiled Tongue and Frog's Legs. Santa: I am not a doctor who can address your health problems. I am hungry. So just get me a Menu Card!